ORDERING PROCESS : When you find the items you require, please follow the ordering process as below; Step 1: Send e-mail to us at wasila@wasila.co.th Please state the product code, quantity, the contact person with address, and all the information needed, we will immediately check the availability of the item and contact you back as quickly as we can. Step 2: Please wait for our confirmation or additional enquires. In general, we will response immediately, or as soon as we can obtain your required information. Step 3: Pay for your order. Please view Terms and Conditions. We will inform you by Pro forma Invoice of the full cost of your order. Our standard terms are 50% deposit upon order, 50% on dispatch. You will be required to pay us your deposit when you confirm your order and we will keep you informed about the outstanding balance of your order via email. We dispatch the completed order when we receive your final payment. |